Various fake merchandise is being sold under our registered product name “RAIZIN” on e-commerce sites and online auctions.
These imitations are difficult to distinguish from our original products because only slight changes have been made and will have similar design, brand name, packaging, instructions, warranty, company name, and address to the original PIVOT products. Purple, blue and red RAIZIN are especially imitated. These have been confirmed to not only being shipped in the Japanese market but also in other countries in Asia and elsewhere.
The performance and quality of these imitations are unknown and use of them may result in damage to your vehicle or other parts. We ask our customers to take extra precaution when purchasing and only purchase authentic PIVOT products. We at PIVOT are not and shall bear not responsibility for any problems caused by the use of such imitation products.
The sale of imitations, whether new or used, is an illegal activity that infringes on trademark rights, intellectual property rights and goes against the Unfair Competition Prevention Act. We will request the removal of our products from any site to the owner and other related parties, and we will take appropriate legal action against any seller of such imitation products.
Features and Specifications of Authentic RAIZIN Series Products
All of our products are made in Japan.

There is an anti-counterfeiting label on the front of the case. (Some exceptions)
- Product color: Blue (no other colors are available)
- Wiring: To the Battery
- Digital display: None
- Compatible vehicles: General purpose (vehicles manufactured prior to 2009)

- Product color: Purple (no other colors are available)
- Wiring: To the Battery
- Digital display: Voltage
- Compatible vehicles: General purpose (vehicles manufactured prior to 2009)
The digital display of this product is divided into three sections; there are no products with an undivided display.

- Product color: Red (no other colors are available)
- Wiring: To the Fuse
- Digital display: None
- Compatible vehicles: Only compatible with some Japanese domestic models.
This product is a fuse-connected type and does not require a battery connection.
This product does not have a digital display.